
目前显示的是 二月, 2022的博文

Coconut Shell Activated Carbon for Air Purification and Electric Power Industry

Coconut Shell Activated Carbon for Air Purification and Electric Power Industry PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Coconut shell activated carbon  is a kind of activated carbon with better air filtration effect. The coconut shell activated carbon of Yihang brand used for air purification and electric power industry has high-efficiency air purification function. Yihang desulfurizated activated carbon has a very high H2S removal capacity. It can also be used for Garbage burning and Solvent recovery. Technical Principle Coconut shell   activated carbon  used for air purification has the function of combining physical adsorption and chemical decomposition to decompose harmful gases such as formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene, cigarettes, oil fume and various peculiar smells in the air, especially carcinogenic aromatic substances. Coconut shell activated carbon used for air purification has extremely strong adsorption capacity. It is a commonly used adsorbent, catalyst or catalyst carrier, and it is easy to fu

What do charcoal and activated carbon have in common?

   Production of carbon rich solids through pyrolysis Both charcoal and activated carbon are made through a process called pyrolysis, in which a raw material - in this case, a carbon-containing substance - is subjected to high temperatures in the absence of oxygen, causing it to thermally decompose into char, or  carbon-rich solids . The lack of oxygen is key to the process, as too much carbon dioxide is introduced and caused to burn off as a gaseous product. In pyrolysis, the starting material (or "feedstock") and processing conditions can be adjusted to tailor the carbon-based product to the specific application. The quality of the feedstock can also affect its processing efficiency, end application, and possible environmental impact. For example, other biomass sources may include unknown biomass and materials collected from municipal waste streams. Processing conditions include pyrolysis temperature and duration, particle size, moisture content, and activation -- improving