What is Activated Carbon

Activated carbon is one of the most common adsorption media used on filters to control indoor air quality and reduce pollutants. The popularity of activated carbon is due to its inherent ability to adsorb most organic chemicals due to the large surface area created by the increased activation on the carbon/charcoal surface. When it comes to the capture and control of gaseous compounds present in the indoor air space, activated carbon will quickly and effectively trap these contaminants on this activated filter media.

In some cases, the charcoal/carbon material will be treated with additional chemicals during the activation of this material, which will be done through the use of a chemical called potassium permanganate. Potassium permanganate is used in activated carbon filter media to help attract reactions between the carbon media and the oxidation of polar or low molecular weight compounds. In addition, many manufacturers use this chemical additive on carbon filters to help extend the life of the filter for customers who do not wish to change filters more frequently. However, this comes at the cost of your environment, which is now using chemicals to trap other chemicals in the air space, something many customers strongly object to.


Activated Carbon vs Activated Charcoal

Two commonly interchanged words when it comes to carbon filtration is that of activated carbon and activated charcoal. When discussing carbon air filtration, you will tend to hear both of these specific characterizations stated, which can lead to many questions on whether they both mean the same When discussing carbon air filtration, you will tend to hear both of these specific characterizations stated, which can lead to many questions on whether they both mean the same thing or if they each have their own meaning when used in filters to clean the indoor air. The media is created by burning the carbon material without oxygen which makes the carbon The media is created by burning the carbon material without oxygen which makes the carbon "char". The char is than treated chemically to develop porous holes inside the carbon that allow the filter media to capture more pollutants in the material over The char is than treated chemically to develop porous holes inside the carbon that allow the filter media to capture more pollutants in the material over time.

The activated charcoal is the same thing as activated carbon, with both of these words being synonymous with one another. charcoal or activated carbon, they are speaking of the same filtration process.


Granular Activated Carbon


Carbon Filters and Ozone Generators

Ozone generators and carbon filters have the same purpose, which is to remove odors. But the way they accomplish this goal is very different. Ozone generators release ozone into the room, which then destroys the contaminants. In contrast, a carbon filter "draws in" the surrounding air, which passes through the filter and traps the odor particles. Odorless air is then released from the unit and returned to the room. Harmful particles remain on the filter and do not return to the air at any time.

Two similarly simple and straightforward solutions, but with very different uses and limitations. Let's take a more in-depth look.


Effectiveness of ozone generators vs. carbon filters


Ozone generators are a well known and heavily used air filtration technology used in many air purifiers and indoor air filters. Ozone generators produce a byproduct of ozone gas into the air, which can be hazardous to the environment and the health of exposed individuals. Ozone is a molecule made up of three oxygen atoms, while the basic oxygen molecule is made up of two oxygen atoms. Therefore, ozone can be harmful to human health when inhaled.

There is some disagreement in the scientific community about the effectiveness of ozone generators. A considerable number of scientific studies have found that ozone has a very limited effect on odor chemicals. In other words, small amounts of ozone are not effective in removing many odors and smells. At higher concentrations, ozone can indeed treat fumes and odors. Nevertheless, ozone still has difficulty removing biological contaminants, even at very high concentrations.

Carbon filters are very effective at removing odors and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The three most common VOCs that can be removed by carbon filters are toluene, xylene and benzene. Carbon filters can also remove most odors, smells, gases and some organic compounds. The biggest factor in a carbon filter's effectiveness, other than the thickness of the filter, is the amount of carbon in the filter. The higher the carbon content and the thicker the filter, the more effective it is.


Pros and cons of ozone generators vs. carbon filters

Next, let's look at some of the positive and negative aspects of each.


Ozone Generator

Pros: Ozone generators do remove odors, some pathogens and fungi if run long enough and the ozone concentration is high enough. Most commercial ozone generators can accomplish this, so they can serve their purpose well. Ozone is also good at dealing with specific mold spores, which we typically find in damp, dark spaces like basements. It's also great for equipment disinfection purposes Another benefit is that you can actually use an ozone generator in conjunction with an ionizer, giving it more air purification capabilities.

Cons: Ozone is harmful to health, even at very low concentrations. Ozone can affect human health in many ways, including irritating the respiratory system, reducing lung function, inflaming and damaging the lining of the lungs, aggravating asthma and allergies, and even aggravating other chronic diseases such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis.

Depending on the type of ozone generator you use, they can come with regular and high maintenance costs. Ozone is also dangerous to some extent to all living things (e.g., pets and even plants).

Because of all these potential health risks from airborne ozone byproduct emissions, ozone generators may not be the best choice for multioccupancy homes.


Carbon Filters

Benefits: Carbon filters are very good at capturing smoke, cigarette smoke, gases and odors. In addition, once these particles are captured by the filter, they cannot be released back into the air. Another great advantage is that you can use an activated carbon filter in combination with other types of filters. By doing this, you get a really powerful air purification device. Air purifiers using HEPA filters are almost always offered together with pre-filters for large particles and carbon activated filters for odors and smells. Another advantage of carbon filters is that they are reusable. On average, a typical charcoal filter will last about a month, but can be cleaned and reused two to three times before you need to actually replace it.

Cons: Depending on the filter, changing filters can also be very inconvenient and expensive. In addition, it can be difficult to completely determine when a carbon filter needs to be replaced. It is impossible to see the saturation level of these filters with your eyes and most of the time you will have to rely on the filter replacement indicator or the manufacturer's replacement recommendations.



Waste Carbon Recovery for Environmental Sustainability

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